
Saturday, June 4, 2011

What Mother's do.......

This is the MOTHER!

She mothers ALL baby's!
She has a loving heart!
This is the TROUBLE MAKER!
He gets into everything.
He FINDS everything!
He BRINGS everything HOME!
So the other night, when I stepped outside,
Screech was rolling around in the dirt.

From underneath him came little squeaks of "help me! help me!"
Yes, he had a mouse he was torchering!

Sydney came to the mouses' rescue and snatched it away from Screech.
She gently carried the mouse to the end of the yard under a tree.

Ever so gently she puts it down.
Lays guard over it for a while, checking on it ever so often.

As I watch her, I am thinking: "She is such a good mommy!"

Then I noticed she was making a chewing motion......

To late!
The poor mouse was already gone!

Yes, Dorothy.....Animals DO eat their young in the wild!
(Or anyone's young-uns!)


  1. LOL!! Ya well she saved the mouse but then realized the cat was right. The mouse was ah treat!

  2. LOLOL Jody this is Hilarious!
