
Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Cowgirl:

Today the 'Sargent' becomes a "COWGIRL!"
First one must gather equipment.
Then we go catch a horse.
Attention to details is a must.
Libby: This cowgirl knows what she's doing!
Libby: "I think I will take a little snooze."
Looks a bit like a torture device.
Adjusting the fit.

I think the fit is great!
Off we go!

A bit of a break.

I love this picture below with the butt shots! :))
A visitor stopped by.

An audience gathered.

Looks like we are riding in a construction zone.
Actually the neighbor was constructing a chicken house!
I am so jealous!

Libby: "I'm loosing groceries here, MOM!"

Off to the neighbors to ride.
Libby and Poncho loved it!
They were so good.

It was a beautiful day
with beautiful people
beautiful horses,
and awesome weather.
I look forward to riding again, SOON!