The subways in Budapest Hungary were interesting.
It was like a city within a city.
You could shop for just about anything you wanted below the city in the subways.
The prices were cheaper also.
People were interesting.
It was like a city within a city.
You could shop for just about anything you wanted below the city in the subways.
The prices were cheaper also.
People were interesting.
There were basically three subways that got you around the city underground.
This particular escalator lead to the DEEPEST and the NEWEST subway.
This is also the longest Escalator ever made.
This subway also went underneath the Danube River, which
took approximately 3 minutes.
In the newest subway area, we came across the "swat" team.
Someone was protesting something. I don't know what.
Me being nosy, wanted to hang around and see what all the commotion was about,
But Patricia and her Dad could not get out of there fast enough.
I got Patricia to take this picture, even though she did not want to.
Patricia Dad, My pen pal, is an emergency room doctor in Budapest.
This is the hospital in which he works.
The next two photos are interesting and a couple of my favorites that I took.
They almost seem to be staring into my soul.
The weekend following our visit to Heroe's square they were having a celebration.
This happened to of been the second year for this celebration.
They turned the parameter of Heroes Square into a Horse track.
They rode in period garment.
Had war re-enactments.
Special entertainment.
And Ate Lunch!
This is greek food of some sort.
(Patricia Ordered it for me.)
And it sure was tasty and delicious!
We went and saw so many things.
I can not even think of including all of my photos.
Picking and choosing what to share has been so hard, and this is why it is taking
me so long to finish my story.
But here is the Danube River.
This is a view point of the Danube.
Loved this wall, and we all gathered around
and Patricia set her camera to take the photo.
From the top of the Dome in the center, you can see across the Danube into
the next country, Slovakia.
This is down town Budapest, and this is the Parliament building which is the most
beautiful building in all of Hungary.
It is majestic
Architecturally amazing!
You should have your own travel show! I feel like I've actually been there now and I LOVE the pics!