
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Aliens on Harley's!

Yesterday we got together with some friends, and road the bikes to Tri Cities.
I really wanted to ride also.
I figured:
Hey, I went on an airplane......
I wanted to go for a ride on the motorcycle!
Since my accident I am just not that comfortable riding.
It is fun.
I had a blast.

This is Becky, Rick, me, Jon and his son Alan.

Here is Tom, his wife Becky, Rick and me.

Tom, Becky, Rick and I.

Tom is looking into getting some glasses for riding.
I think he looks like a bug sexy in them dar glasses!

Jon and Alan
(father and son)

Tom and Jon

Tom, hangin out on his porch.
This is Rick's hunting buddy
and very good friend.
This is Rick and I on the bike heading to Tri Cities.
Becky took this while going down the freeway.
I think those helmets make us look like Aliens on Harleys! LOL

Just giving you a break from my vacation stories.

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