
Sunday, October 17, 2021

Bucket list or a Dream come true?

Fantastic Weekend!
All ready to go ride with the big kids!
Riding in front of all the big kids so they get use to us and not freak out. 

I don't have a bucket list per say, but I do have Dreams that I hope will come true one day.

I use to dream about riding horses in a competition. I think I was like 5 then. I learned you had to own a horse first. Santa Clause never did bring me a horse. I really doubted him from then on. 

As I grew older I wanted to ride horses with the other girls who had horses. I learned that girls who owned horses were.....well they just were......If you did not have a horse, you were not one of them, even if they owned a half a dozen horses. They did not like to share. I get it now, and totally understand why that is. 

A few years later life happened. Marriage and a family. Then I became a horse owner one day in my late 50's! WOW! After a lot of trial and error I accepted that this was also not the path for me.

Later on, a couple of Mini Ponies came into my life. Boy did those two rock my world. Time has creeped on and I have one that I have been concentrating my time on. CRICKET! That boy IS My WORLD! 

We have worked very hard to get to where we are today I have to give credit to my two Grandsons who have helped in this endeavor. 

This weekend was the weekend! Cricket and I got to ride with other gals and their horses! It didn't matter if were were the smallest. His big horse attitude more than makes up for any size he is lacking. 

I have to keep in mind that Cricket IS ONLY 4 years old so he does have a lot of learning yet to do, but he was a trooper for the weekend!  

I do believe that Cricket did some growing up during this time too. It was so good for him, and even better for me. I now feel confident enough to take a drive with him around the neighborhood. 

I am attempting to upload a video here and not sure that it will succeed. 

I don't know how long the trail ride was. I was hoping it was a mile. I think it was 5 miles and I know Cricket just knew it was 10 miles! We went up and down little hills, in a harvested wheat field, and trotted half way up a very large hill. He was a huffing and a puffing! I felt so bad for him that I got out of the cart half way up the hill and walked the rest of the way up the hill with him. The hill was so steep I was really worried about coming down it. But I found out that if I kept one of my cart wheels in the tumble weeds it had a bit of breaking power and did not push him down the hill and so we walked very nicely down that long steep hill!

At the turn around spot on the trail ride Cricket was tired of waiting for everyone to get going back, he decided to just lay down. I think he had the intention of rolling but the cart prevented that. Once he was down he did not quite know how to get out of his predicament! So I grabbed his head and helped him to his feet. (Thank you Linda for that advise) Then it is always good to have friends that take pictures first before attempting to help out. LOL I had him up before any help was needed though.

When your horse laughs at you....PRICELESS!
Neither of us were hurt and Cricket came thru this unscathed. 

We were horse tired when we got back to camp. Cricket was all jacked up. He ran with the big kids and he thought he was a big kid now. I had to feed him in the trailer, because he kept talking and yelling at anyone that walked by. I think he grew up a little bit this weekend. I know my horizons have expanded quite a bit.

This morning when I went out to feed I was sure that he would be a bit gimpy. Muscle sore? NOTHING! And here I am having a hard time getting up and down out of my chair. LOL

I look forward to a lot more rides with this young buck, and we shall grow together in our rides.

Very hard to take pictures when you drive. So I did not get to many. It was a lot of fun, and by next year, Cricket and I will be a pro!


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