
Saturday, September 11, 2021

Who needs Hair, anyway?


Some cultures believe that hair is an extension of your spirit or soul...literally connecting you to the earth with its downward growth. Think of it as your hair aura. When hair is cut, the spirit is thought to live on inside the strands, giving the hair protective powers and strength. Want proof? According to one story, expert Native American trackers were recruited by the U.S. army as scouts during the Vietnam War. After receiving standard crew cuts, they were unable to perform in the field, claiming to have lost their abilities. If you think of each hair—individually connected to the scalp like an antenna—as bringing in sensory information from your environment, the tale makes all kinds of sense. Cultures that practice this belief use hair in amulets, rain charms, and medicinal treatments. Ever heard of keeping a lock of baby hair for good luck? Pretty powerful stuff. 

On Tuesday September 7th, 2021 15 days after first Chemo starts to fall out. Didn't think it would happen, but it is. Today is 4th day. We are taking bets as to when it will all be gone. 1 day. 2 days. 3 or 4 days? Every day seems like he looses half of what he has. This would put it 2 days out from now.

Rick feels pretty good other than his hair falling out and looking for hats that are really cool to wear. His wardrobe leaves a lot to be desired. We figure he will be hairless for the next 5-6 months. So that really puts him thru the winter time with no insulation on his head.

A pink Beanie symbolizing CANCER would be nice, and you are never to man enough to skip wearing pink. 

Since I am crafty I could make him a hat and even a beard to help with the whole facial hair loss. 

Then I found they actually have a wig that might work.......

BUT........Rick has never been one to have the comb over look.

This one would be a quick one to throw on as you are darting out the door to run to town. 

But my all time favorite is this one: 

Did I mean I like furry things?

All kidding and joking aside, it really is not a laughing matter and would never have chosen this path in life. But God put us here so we need to make the best of it. 

I love my man to the ends of the earth and will walk right beside him the whole way. 

The BRCA1 Test came back as negative. This means that the hormone gene that drives his cancer is not disfigured, morphed, incomplete, (oh for pete sake the work escapes me right now) but you get my drift. The hormone is completely normal.

BUT................:There was another gene with no name to it that was a bit deformed, malnourished, what ever the medical terminology is for it. They do not have specific tests to determine this particular gene, but if in the future they do figure it out, they will be sure to let us know. Because as we all know, science evolves every single day and they will make a discovery on it at some point.

This is it for the update so far. Come Monday 9-13-2021 is round TWO of CHEMO!  1 down, 5 to go. 


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