
Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Oh my! I see that it has been two years since I have written in my blog! MY BAD! It has been a whirl wind. I miss Skittles every single day.  So much so that I needed to get over her. In order to do that, I let Scarlett go on vacation.

While she was away, she met this very nice gentleman, that was handsome and robust.

His name is:
Mountain Meadows Justin Tyme
But every calls him JAY.

She finally took a liking to him and now she is due to have her foal April First! Yes an April Fools baby. Of course it could be a week or two either side of that.

Scarlett A couple Weeks ago.

Some days she just looks so big. I have seen her belly move ever so slightly. So Exciting and waiting is so hard!

Since Skittles looked so much like daddy, I am hoping this baby looks like it's daddy too.

This winter we have had snow on the ground since December 6th 2016! It has been hard. Today we finally got REAL RAIN! Every bit of moisture that we have had over the winter has been in the form of snow! ICK! I am really tired of the white shit!

The critters have all seemed to come thru it so far unscathed like it was just a part of the normal around here. 

SPOILER ALERT:  I have goats! Yes five of them, and they will be making their appearance here too. They have been so much fun that I just can't stand it!  Very entertaining! Very lovable! And just so much fun to have around. I got them for weed control, and if you know me at all, they have become a beloved member of my family!

My new years resolution this year is to keep my blog up. 

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