
Monday, April 7, 2014

So much to say....yet.....

Well it has been awhile. Been terribly busy. Have a whole lot to talk about yet I have nothing to say right now. We did sign papers on our new place. We get to move in after June first. Yeah! I am sure we will have plenty of time to paint the new place before moving since no one has yet to put an offer on our place yet.

I think we have under priced our place. In looking at comparable property there is a lot of acreage and not much of a house or a very nice house an no acreage. Our place has it all! All set up for humans and critters. Someone will come along I am sure, and they will fall in love with our set up here. The only work that needs doing is mowing the lawn once a week. That of course is a chore in itself!

I will post more as it gets closer. Am excited, yet hesitant. Lots of work to be done on the new place for sure, but it will keep us busy for the next ten years or so! Haha.


  1. Congrats on the new house! I look forward to hearing/seeing more about it. Nice to see you back here. :)

  2. Great to hear from you! Looking forward to hearing more about your new place. :)
