
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Lessons once again!

I have finally found my spot back on the lesson block!
There are a few lot of things, I need to work on.
I found out that Sissy Izzy is now giving lessons.

It has been so long since I hauled Libby in the trailer, 
I am not at all comfortable doing it anymore. 
So if I did not have to haul, I could still take lessons.

There is a reason for everything....
I needed to take some lessons on Izzy,
because the last few times I rode her,
we went head to head on who was going to be boss.

 No one knows the lump I had in my throat.
It was all bitter sweet.
I miss her presence in my pasture.
I miss her personality!
But she has a good home here.
She is loved.
She is being trained.
She has a purpose in life.
 She loves trail rides.
Her curiosity is such a benefit for her.
 She is still beautiful.
She is learning English riding,
and my instructor told me she is just as
beautiful in English gear.
I will have to get some pictures of her all decked out in English.

(Oh My! She sure will steal the stage when she learns all those dressage movements!)
 Liquid beauty!
(Yes, in the photo below, she is play boss mare again!)
 I had three lessons on her.
But I needed to bring Libby.
 Libby is my girl now.
She has filled the void that Izzy never did.
 Yes, it was good while it lasted.
Maybe I will take a lesson here an there on Izzy,
but for now, I will take Libby
because we need to do so much more bonding,
and Libby has the patience of Jobe with me.
Just to show you the patience Libby has:
Today, my instructor told me that her bit on her bridle was to loose.
The chin strap was also to loose....
But Libby perservered with my riding in this loose set up!
 Once she adjusted it, 
it was amazing at how much better Libby responded!
Yes, for everything I have done wrong due to ignorance,
Libby has had a world of patience with me!
(It just puts a lump in my throat!)

But...Moving on....

I need to get over a very huge FEAR that has griped me!
It has to do with hauling Libby.
It stems from,
Libby pulling back in the trailer, 
(Once, Only ONCE she did it)
and if I was a second slower unhooking her,
we would of had a huge wreck in the trailer.

Plus, no one is home at the time I have to load and un-load her.
Then I quit taking lessons over a year ago,

I had 101 excuses.....
Time frame.
Too hot.
To windy.
Plus some excuses I can't even remember now.
This has resulted in not hauling Libby for over a year.

The fear grew....
And it has taken over my body, heart, soul, and stomache!

Last week, I wanted to take Libby to my lesson so bad,
but I just couldn't.
I buckled down to the fear!

So for my lesson last week,
I had therapy,
talking with my instructor about my fear,
how to conquer it,
and how she will help me work thru it.

Then I mucked a couple of stalls. 
I was shaking so bad, and this helped me a lot!
It was very good therapy!

I hauled Libby.
My stomache was complaining very loudly.
I white knuckled the steering wheel.
By the time I got to my lesson, 
I was shaking so bad!

We worked on trailer loading, and Libby's patience in the trailer.

She did really good at school!
Finally understood she did not need to dart out soon as the gate was opened.
Then saddled her up and a couple times around the arena and lesson over.

I still had to get her unloaded at home.

Libby was very good....

she was a snot!

Kept whinning in the trailer, and stomping her feet!
I just stood and waited it out....
She calmed down,
We unloaded 

Once I have her un-hooked
I am totally fine.
It is just between the time of 
releasing the divider,
and un-hooking her.....

(If I thought I could BACK her onto the trailer and face her to the rear I would.
That way her head is right at the release of the divider.) 

with my instructors wonderful help,

Seven days till my nerves wrack me again.
(Maybe I will take St. John's Wort ALL WEEK LONG!)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.........


  1. Know that lump in the throat feeling. I fell from a lesson horse several years ago and broke my wrist and dislocated my elbow. Had surgery and returned to lessons. All is fine...but will probably never ride English again. That's OK...I really prefer Western any way. I'm no longer taking lessons and don't have my own I'm still hoping for some trail rides in my future. Really love this post, and your blog.

  2. Some tips on trailering. (Angel pulled back while I was releasing, broke the snap, and rolled over the top of me out of the trailer...) 1. Load, loop lead rope through tie, hold lead rope while closing divider, exit trailer, tie lead rope from outside through window. (I have a double snap tie that stays in the trailer) 2. Unloading... Release tie through window, open trailer, then divider, unload horse.

    You could also load, turn horse around, then back her into position.

    BTW don't tie my horses ever in the trailer.
