
Sunday, July 10, 2011

The VALUE of a horse.......

When I think of:
I think of a lot of things.

I read a lot of blogs and I see differences placed on this
Value of the Horse.

I read:
Because she keeps to the for-front all the asshats that abuse the horse!
and I cry a lot on the inside for what the horse has endured.
Wishing I could do something to help them all!
Then I rejoice in the justice that is served on occassion,
and the rescues that help.
The best part about her blog, is there are updates and conclusions to the stories!
(Her blog is for sale too! :((. I know it won't be the same, EVER)

I read:
Because she is on a life journey to ride and
I identify with what she goes through.

I read: 
Because I am 50+ and her adventures mimic mine.

I read: 
George, Alan and Lucy,
Plus all the other critters!
have taken on a life of their own
and I love their adventures!

I read: 
because the adventures are awesome
and it makes my life seem calm!

I read:
because they do SO MUCH for abused horses!
and it warms my heart!

I read:
Because from a horses' perspective
you understand the human!

because I learn something new every time I read her blog.
The bonus part is she evaluates products which really helps
in my decisions to use the product.

I read:
Because I enjoy her sense of humor!

When I have my grandson call and want to ride
horses, there is NO monetary VALUE placed on that
because it is the value that stays in your heart.
It is the joy of seeing them have fun.
The joy of knowing the horses care for their riders.
and the joy of lasting memories!

Kids surprise you at every turn, (horses too) and as much as I try to figure them out, I never will.
I thought Libby would be the one that they would want to ride all the time.
But as it turned out,
PONCHO was the favored mount!
Because he LIKED to go!
Libby being the lazy one at heart, was a bit obstinate at walking out.
She would glue her feet to the ground next to me, and would make the child (and me) work to get her to walk.
Good lessons, yes. Very frustrating to the child though.
They did switch at one point, because the grandson was tired of working Libby, 
and he was seeing all the fun his little friend was having.
I was concerned that he would not be able to handle Poncho well, but as it turned out,
he did great.
AND I found out, Poncho listens to the kids better than me!

Both my horses have value beyond anything that I could ever imagine!


  1. Horses have a way of fulfilling our lives beyond our wildest dreams. They also teach us life lessons we never knew we needed to learn.

  2. I've learned more from horses than any other part of my exposure to life. The fact that I always learn something new (and will never know it all) intrigues me. I'd be lost in this world without them. (Thank you for reading my Blog). :)

  3. I recognize most of those blogs and enjoy them, too. I have learned much through what others have shared.
    Thanks for reading my blog and following along on my horse journey. It's sure been a bumpy ride hasn't it? lol!

    And you, too, have been on quite the interesting horse journey as well. From owning two horses that were difficult to handle and ride, to owning two wonderful horses that even your grandkids can ride and enjoy right along with you.

    You've come a long way Baby!

