ATD..At The Doctors.
BFF..Best Friend Fell.
BTW..Bring the Wheelchair.
BYOT..Bring Your Own Teeth.
FWIW..Forgot Where I Was.
GGPBL..Gotta Go Pacemaker Battery Low.
GHA..Got Heartburn Again.
IMHO..Is My Hearing-Aid On.
LMDO..Laughing My Dentures Out.
OMMR..On My Massage Recliner.
OMSG ..Oh My! Sorry, Gas.
ROFLACGU....Rolling On Floor Laughing And Can't Get Up.
TTYL..Talk To You Louder
GGDD... "Gotta go, damp Depends
Cartoon: Compliments of: Pruineville
Cute. :) It's funny even though I relate. ;)
ReplyDeleteI LOVE THESE! Here's another one...
ReplyDeleteCSS (Can't remember shit!) Oops!
The horse ranch owner always uses this one and so do I now!
~~Cheryl Ann~~
that is hilarious!