
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Dang Apps!

Here is our dear sweet grandson: PARKER

Here is Parker on and I PHONE APP!
It was quite hilarious as the son took pictures of
all of us and used some app he had on his phone
to make us all look big.
Parker is the only one that I felt I could share
because no matter what,
He is always a cutie!


  1. Oh, yes, very cute. It reminds me of those funny mirrors at the amusement parks. ;)

  2. I just read your comment about choking up about havingt such a blessed life to be living with horses...but..I can NOT say I teared with that app!! HAHAHA!!

    MERRY, HAPPY CHRISTMAS to you and yours,
    blogging and reading of such as you here,
    makes me count my stars!
