
Sunday, December 26, 2010


What would we do with out our wonderful kids!?
Every once in a blue moon they surprise me with a photo.
This year it is with ALL the kids!
(this took a great deal of planning!)
What an enormous task!

(once again I got blubbery)

My Three Sons!
Phillip, Cameron and Robert
Phillip and his family, whom by the way ARE expecting in the new year.

Cameron and his family.

Our Grandchildren!
The best part of having kids.

And then these candid photos,
I just adore!
I don't know, maybe they were talking about
Robert getting a family?
Or that his family is his Motorcycle and racing?
I don't know, and it doesn't matter.
I love each and every single one of my kids and
that includes their wives,
because their wife
makes them complete.
This is the best Christmas gift
a parent can ever have!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Dang Apps!

Here is our dear sweet grandson: PARKER

Here is Parker on and I PHONE APP!
It was quite hilarious as the son took pictures of
all of us and used some app he had on his phone
to make us all look big.
Parker is the only one that I felt I could share
because no matter what,
He is always a cutie!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ho! Ho! Ho!


Merry Christmas from the Girls!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Parcel Post VS Priority Mail

I went to the Post Office today to mail some packages.
Today was a day that the post master was quite talkative.
He was explaining to me that CHEAPER is not always the best.

IF you send a package PARCEL POST
and at its destination
the recipient has MOVED
even if it is just across the street,
THEY will have to PAY 
the postage YOU Paid on the package to have it delivered to them!
If the mailman can not find the address and your package has to be 
sent back to you, 
YOU have to PAY AGAIN for the postage to get it.

Now isn't this STUPID!~?

If you send your package
none of this happens.

So for the few extra cents it costs to send your package
Priority Mail,
do so. 
It will save you in the long run if anything happens.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Wild Ride!

I just finished reading Kathleen's blog about her wild ride, and needed to share.
(I read from the beginning, when she left OREGON!)

She still would like to be home for Christmas, so if anyone can help, 

let her know!