
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Rideing with Libby

Last weekend, 
(sorry for the delay in the post)
I saddled up Libby and we went for a stroll.
I had to beg hubby to take some pictures, but I did not
know he was standing behind the tree photographing the 
saddling process.
(Look How High I Lifted that Saddle! LOL
HONEST I did not let it plop on her!)
Libby is so patient with me.
She even will move closer if she thinks she needs to.
Wrapping the mecate reins around the horn so she won't step on it.
Ready to go ride...

Oops, had my sun glasses on. Took them off.
Riding up the lane.

Over to the left and in the neighbors pasture.
New Ride.
New Territory!
What hubby did not get, 
Libby had to stop and smell 
about half a dozen cow patties when
we first rode in this area!

Posing before heading down the hill to the OTHER 
neighbors field to ride.

After the ride, she gets treats.
But they are not free.
She has to bend to get them.
Each time she will stretch just a little bit more.
Yes, Libby is a sweetie!
I love her dearly!
And I can't wait to come home from work
saddle her and go for a "WALK IN THE PARK!"

My dream really has come true!


  1. Simply wonderful! Nice to see you having so much fun on your special horse.

  2. Glad to see you two are working out for one another. You look great by the way ;)

  3. I love happy endings!!! Both of you look great.
