
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Heart Broken!

I have had to make the hardest decision of my life!
I have come to determine that Sissy and I are just not compatible!
I do not feel comfortable riding her anywhere but at my lessons.
Therefore I do not get saddle time in between lessons.
I won't go into details and bore you,
but just know that I am in anguish about it.

I hope I have found her a good home. 
One where she will get the real training that she deserves.

So now, I am looking for a Broke AND Trained horse.
Sissy is broke, but NOT trained.
LIGHT BULBS went off like 4th of July fire crackers!

I need something I can feel confident on.
One that will not fight me or give me problems.
Easy going.
I have been looking everywhere,
Dream Horse.
Equine Hits.
I know there is one out there that could use a really good 
home where there is an abundance of pasture grass surrounding them.
They will get lots of grooming, 
and even trail time.

So my search continues,
As the pieces of my heart begin to mend.


  1. I am so sorry this isn't working out for you and for Sissy, but I completely understand getting a good match between horse and rider. I got really lucky with Boo. My hubby got really lucky with Bay. We had some good horse people who knew our riding abilities helping us to find the right match. Maybe your instructor can help you?

  2. I do understand how you feel and I sympathize with you whole heartedly. It's not easy, but at least you have come to this realization before Sissy possibly injured you. So many times people can make you feel guilty about giving up your horse. But horses aren't dogs, not only are they more expensive to feed and have vet care, but they can KILL you.

    That is nothing to ever take lightly...ever.

    Besides, I have learned from my own horse experiences that there were really are nice horses out there...willing, kind, gentle, non-argumentative, sweet, and just plain fun.

    Sissy will find the perfect home, just like my Baby Doll did. There is the perfect match for her out there with someone.
    Don't ever believe that only your home is the best home for her, no matter how wonderful your home is, and that any other home will be dangerous and unpleasant for her.

    I think that's what happens with hoarders. They believe that only they are the best equipped to care for all their animals.
    I think what really helped me in making the final decision...and helped me move on and accept that choice was something someone told me......that I was just a stepping stone for my horse. That she was meant to come stay with me so I could find her the perfect home.

    I'm just sorry it took me so long to admit that and realize I wasn't the best home for her. Maybe I wouldn't have gotten injured. But at least she didn't kill me, right?

    You will find the best horse for you.....or she/he will find you first.


  3. Aww, so sorry to hear, yet once you've made the decision perhaps both you and Sissy will be happier. I hope you find just the right horse.


  4. I was going to tell you all about Lisa's sojourn into this same area when I saw she has already written you.

    Lisa is one smart lady and can help you through this.

    It will not be easy but you will not regret the time you take to find the right horse.

  5. so sorry that you have to do that but, I agree with you 100%. I hope you find the right fit.

  6. Sorry to hear it isn't working. Try to keep your chin up and an open mind!
    Wish I had some advice/leads for you!

  7. Contact Shelly at Sunny Acres Ranch, she knows of a couple that fit what you are looking for.

  8. i am so sorry it isnt working out for you two! I hope you can find a confidence builder soon and hit the trails!

  9. J,
    I'm sorry to hear the news. Tough decision. Now it's time that you can move on.
    Happy Trails,

  10. Congratulations on giving yourself permission to let go and move on. I think so many times we blame ourselves and think with time, it will work out! And I've seen people give up riding as a result rather than let go and try something else.

    Looking forward to hearing about your next journey! Don't give up!
