
Sunday, January 17, 2010

When the sun shines...Even for a moment....Grab the road!

What a busy day!
And was it ever so fun!
It all started out with planning a friendly get together.

First stop was to Wal-Mart to get food for dinner.
At the last minute I decided to take my camera along to capture the moments.
Here we are, arriving at our local Wal-mart
of which Becky works here so I put her in charge of the grocery list,
Because she knew where everything was.

 We had to walk to the farthest door to enter because she
needed to finish her cig.
 All the carts were wet from the rain we had and so she thought
she would dry off the cart with one of those handy wipes
they so graciously have, but instead it was dripping wet also.
At least the cart was sanitized.
 First stop was the tomatoes.
I was going to make pico de gallo, in other words: Salsa.
 Then I handed her a pen to mark off items on our list.
The pen is my FAVORITE pen.
It is a PENTEL IMPULSE. The way it is made
you don't know which end to write with or how to take the cap off.
EVERYONE tries the wrong end first.
Of course I am laughing so hard, and not much help.
 When we make it over to the meat isle, I asked her to hold
up her the meat so I could photograph the moment.
At that time, a man wanders by with a cart, and lets out
a belly laugh that gave me the giggles so bad.
 Then it was off to the Hispanic section to get Taco Seasoning.
 Aren't the colors just wonderful in this store?
 Becky was just bewildered with all the paparazzi flashing going off which was directed at her.
 This display stopped me dead in my tracts!
I love FEBREEZE Air Freshners.
I purchased the peach and the brown can.
I actually like the brown one best.
It is called: MOROCCAN BAZAAR.
 Then chips for the salsa.
 Our list. We are almost done!
 Oops, one more item before leaving the store.
 As we walk out, all the pink on the Valentine displays just mesmerized me.
 And Becky could not pass up the Message Oils!
But put them back on the shelf.

 Look at all the blue! Isn't it pretty?
 On the way out, Becky kept telling me, she knew what it
felt like to be hounded by the paparazzi!
 Our haul from the store.
 As we walked out, the smell of Kettle Corn tickled my tummy.
 Becky had to take a break and check her messages.
 As she did so, I watched the garbage being picked up.
 And the flag waving in the breeze.
 Thank you Wal-mart!
 At the car, the paparazzi inside of me, took back over.
The cart guys graciously let me photograph them working.
 They even took the cart from Becky and added it to their stash.
 Off they went to replace more wet carts.
 Here Becky isn't to happy with the paparazzi photography,
but it does not stop me.
I keep on snapping pictures.
On the way home we play the stereo very loud!
We dance in the car. Well as much as you can while sitting and driving, which amounts to
bobbing your heads and then we look like bobble heads to passers by.
We laugh!
We giggle!
We turn up the volume!
 When we get home, my intent was to cook up our dinner,
so I would not have to work so hard at it later.
But since the sun peaked out from behind the clouds that we've had all week,
We all looked at each and and said:
 We rode.....
 and rode......
to the A & W and had a burger.

 Waiting for our food.

 And in walks Jon. A friend of ours.
He never looks for any excuse to ride.
He just rides ALL the time!

 Out side paparazzi me, took more pictures. I even handed the camera over to hubby
and he took a few pictures too. Not bad!

 Tom and Becky above.
Jon below.
Since I was taking all the pictures, I asked hubby to take one of
Me and Becky.

 Then temptation was just to much.
I had to noogie Becky!

On the way home, I thought I would capture some of the area
in which we live.
Where the steam is in this photo, is J.R. SIMPLOT Co.
which is now shut down.
I use to work there, managing the scale house.

 In the distance is the town of UMATILLA, and the body of water,
is the Columbia River.

 The bridge here, goes over the Umatilla River, that dumps into the Columbia
just the other side of the bridge.
 It is a historic Bridge and I think very pretty.
 When we got home, I started the dinner.
We were having tacos, and it is not a hard meal to cook,
just time consuming in that you have to chop all those
veggies!  So Rick took over for me, while I went to feed
Sissy and Sadie, because it was getting late, and Becky and I had
to also go pick up a friend that was invited over for dinner too.
 Tom, Becky's husband was mighty proud of his T-Shirt.
 All of us eating dinner.
 You know how when you make your own taco, sometimes
you put more on it than the shell can handle.
Well, Becky did just that.
 See how big that is?
 Yep she did it!
UmUmmm Good!
 Me, Vicki, and Becky.
 Dennis, Tom and Rick.
 Rick and Tom were feeling no pain.
The music played loud, the bass rattled the walls.
If I had hardwood floors we would of been dancing too.

Yes it was a good day.
Spent with friends,
and I enjoyed every moment of it!!

TODAY: It has rained! ALL DAY!


  1. Wow, now i really feel like a celebrity, my pictures posted on a site !!!!
    ya want my autograph too ?

  2. Your friend is a very good sport, I would have strangled you with your camera strap...kidding.

    It sounds like a perfect day.

  3. Looks like a great day to ride. Seems like your friend had funn being a "star"

  4. I'm surprised a Wal-Mart person didn't stop you from taking pictures. It's been known to happen. Becky is a GOOD sport! Looked like good times.

  5. Oh that was a fun little trip for me! Glad you took me a long!! Was expecting to see a couple of pictures of "the people of Wal-Mart"...but then again, better that you didn't have to see them!

  6. And a good time was had by all.....that was a very nice photo essay. Good job.
