
Friday, April 24, 2009

Welcome Little Man.............

Parker Jackson Brittain
Born: April 24th, 2009
1:39 PM
Weighing: 8lbs 5 1/2 ozs
Measuring: 21" in length

NO! He will not be called P.J.
Brother Phillip was being cute!
Showing a little "brotherly" luuuv! Teehee

Our Youngest Son Cameron and his wife Shelby today
Delivered our third grandchild.....

In a week or two, he might need a pony tail! :))

Happy Parents
Shelby and Cameron

One Proud Daddy!

Father and son
A New Beginning

Parker joins cousins:
Cody Allen Brittain age 8. Son To Phillip, our Oldest son.
Briann, age 9 months. Daughter to Phillip and Shanna.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to all! he is a very handsome little guy!!
